Are You Prepared for Immigration and Custom Enforcement's I-9 Audits?
From The Knowledge Congress Webcast Series
As Form I-9 enforcement has been stepped up under the current administration, an increasing number of employers are being penalized for I-9 compliance violations, including violations related to electronic I-9 systems. It is essential for employers to understand how to properly complete and retain I-9s whether by paper or electronically and understand the pros and cons of using electronic I-9 software. Balancing the compliance requirements of the law while avoiding discriminatory practices is key.
The Knowledge Group has assembled a team of thought leaders to help you understand the compliance requirements as well as the pitfalls and resulting penalties faced by many employers. You will learn important information that will assist you in bringing your company into compliance before your company is served with a Notice of Inspection by ICE.
Course Level: Intermediate
Prerequisite: None
Method Of Presentation: Group-Based-Internet
Developer: The Knowledge Group, LLC
Recommended CLE/CPE Hours: 1.75 - 2.0
Advance Preparation: Print and review course materials
Course Code: 124341
Course Fee:
- $199 - $249 (Early Bird Discounted Rate - on or before 09/09/2012)
- $299 - $349 (Regular Rate - registration after 09/09/2012)
- $149 (Government / Nonprofit Rate)
Carol A. Friend, Business Immigration Practice Group Chair,
Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP
- Best practices in completing and retaining paper I-9s:
- Overview of the I-9 process
- Common I-9 mistakes and how to avoid them
- I-9 Internal Audits – Why they are necessary and how to conduct one effectively:
- Engaging outside counsel for assistance
- Developing an I-9 remediation plan
- Avoiding discrimination in the I-9 compliance process
Angelo A. Paparelli, Partner,
Seyfarth Shaw LLP
- I-9 and E-Verify due diligence in vendor agreements and stock/asset acquisitions:
- Use of third-party auditors
- Wal-Mart style immigration provisions in vendor contracts
- Adjustments to purchase price and clawbacks based on audit findings
- Limiting buyer’s or seller’s liability
- Constructive knowledge versus actual knowledge liability:
- How far does the duty to investigate extend?
- Social Security no-match letters
- Whistleblower and anonymous tips
- Participating in I-9 audits and ICE investigations involving unionized versus non-union workforces
Aimee Clark Todd, Of Counsel,
Troutman Sanders LLP
- Civil and criminal penalties for I-9 and related violations:
- Types of violations: technical/substantive I-9 errors, document abuse, knowing employment of unauthorized workers, unfair practices, and pattern or practice violations
- Potential fine levels and other penalties
- Related criminal violations:
- Harboring, smuggling, concealing, or transporting undocumented workers for financial gain
- Trends in federal and state prosecutions
- Employees’ use of the U-1 immigration process based on claims of labor trafficking
John Fay, General Counsel and Vice President of Product Development,
LawLogix Group, Inc.
- Understanding Electronic I-9 systems
- Pros and Cons of using electronic I-9 software
- Specific DHS regulatory provisions
- Responding to an ICE investigation involving electronic I-9s
- Conducting due diligence in choosing a vendor
- Managing E-Verify through an Employer Agent
- Agent’s responsibilities under the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
- USCIS' Monitoring and Compliance Activities
- Preparing for the “New” Form I-9
- Latest update concerning the revised “2-page” Form I-9
- Important changes which may impact employer policies and procedures
Who Should Attend?
- HR/Benefits Professionals, Employment Law Attorneys & In-House Counsel
- Senior Management
- Human Resource Managers
- Corporate Counsel
- Risk Management Directors
- Compliance Program Directors
Why Attend?
This is a must attend event for employers to avoid damages that may result from violation of immigration and customs enforcement laws.
- Detailed guidance explained by most qualified key leaders & experts
- Hear directly from key regulators & thought leaders
- Interact directly with panel during Q&A
Register now be informed and as an added bonus get the chance to ask questions and interact with the speakers, live. Advanced registration is recommended as space is limited.
Click here to register
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