- Advertising and Marketing
- Affordable Housing
- Antitrust and Trade Regulation
- Appellate Advocacy
- Arbitration, Mediation, and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Artificial Intelligence
- Asia-Pacific
- Automotive and Manufacturing
- Autonomous Vehicle
- Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights
- Biotechnology
- Broker-Dealers and Investment Advisors
- Business Litigation
- Cannabis
- Captive Insurance
- Class Actions
- Commercial Transactions
- Construction Planning
- Corporate
- Data, Privacy and Cybersecurity
- Defense
- Economic Development Incentives
- Election and Campaign Finance Laws
- Emerging Companies
- Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation
- Employment Litigation, Counseling and
Strategic Workforce Planning - Environmental
- Finance
- Financial Institutions
- Government Relations and Regulatory
- Health Care
- Hospitality
- Immigration
- Industrial and Office
- Insurance
- Insurance and Reinsurance Recovery
- Insurance Tax
- Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property Litigation
- International Trade Controls
- International Transactions
- Investigations and White Collar Defense
- Investment Funds
- Israel
- Labor and Employment
- Labor/Management Relations
- Latin America
- Leasing
- Lending and Finance
- Life Sciences
- Life Sciences Intellectual Property Litigation
- Litigation
- Matrimonial and Family Law
- Media and Entertainment
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Multifamily and Manufactured Housing
- Noncompete Agreements and Trade Secrets
- Patent
- Patent Office Trials
- Private Client
- Private Equity
- Private Equity Litigation
- Product Liability
- Public Company, Securities and Governance
- Real Estate
- Real Estate Services
- Real Estate Transactions
- Regulatory
- Regulatory & Executive Order Hub
- Restructuring, Workouts, and Loan Sales
- Retail
- Securities and Corporate Governance Litigation
- State and Local Tax (SALT)
- Tax
- Tax Appeals
- Technology Transactions
- Trademark and Copyright
- Trademark Enforcement
- Transactions and Counseling
- Venture Capital
- Wage and Hour Compliance, Litigation and Collective Actions
- Zoning and Land Use
Honigman is a full-service business law firm with local, national, and international clients. Our attorneys practice in more than 60 different areas, are highly credentialed, and are committed to consistently delivering value to our clients.